Wi-Fi Car Parking Management System
No matter which city in India one travels to traffic and unruly parking is one of the biggest issues. While people are aware that violating parking laws are illegal but people still do it that results in traffic jams. To ensure smoother traffic and better parking facilities companies are coming up with wifi based parking management system.
What is Wi-Fi parking management system?
To put forth plainly Wi-Fi parking management system is the smart system of parking a car that combines Wi-Fi and wireless sensor network. This system will have a geomagnetic sensor that would be able to detect the occupied and free parking spaces. The Wi-Fi in the system will be used for navigation.
Most smart cities will use this mode of parking guidance system to avoid congestion. It will be possible with the Internet of Things IoT that will collect, analyse and automate the gathered data from devices, i.e. the low cost sensory devices. These devices will establish the occupancy in a parking space. The sensory devices can be cameras, counting equipments or even embedded sensors on the individual parking spaces. These sensors will in turn feed the electronic boards or lights in the parking area to showcase the occupied and free parking spaces. Red signs refer to occupied space while green as free space.
Additionally, the Wi-Fi parking management system will also encompass services like online parking payment, notification of the parking time as well as searching of the car in a large parking area.
Advantages of this system
Advantages of the Wi-Fi parking guidance system are as follows:
Less traffic congestion
Optimized parking
Less car pollution
Better user experience
New ways for revenue
Integrated payment and POS
Better service means better brand image
Reduction in management cost
Real-time data and trend insights for better analysis
Live dashboard for real-time space availability
Integrated analytics.